[Oa-italia] Paper sulla Legge di Goodhart in azione (quando una misura diventa un obiettivo cessa di essere una buona misura)

Elena Giglia elena.giglia a unito.it
Gio 6 Giu 2019 15:47:03 CEST

segnalo questo interessantissimo paper ricco di dati sulle trasformazioni
operate da misure quali l'Impact factor sulla produzione scientifica.
Over-optimization of academic publishing metrics: observing Goodhart’s Law
in action


In this study, we analyzed >120 million papers to examine how the academic
publishing world has evolved over the last century, with a deeper look into
the specific field of biology. Our study shows that the validity of
citation-based measures is being compromised and their usefulness is
lessening. In particular, the number of publications has ceased to be a
good metric as a result of longer author lists, shorter papers, and surging
publication numbers. Citation-based metrics, such citation number and
h-index, are likewise affected by the flood of papers, self-citations, and
lengthy reference lists. Measures such as a journal’s impact factor have
also ceased to be good metrics due to the soaring numbers of papers that
are published in top journals, particularly from the same pool of authors.
Moreover, by analyzing properties of >2,600 research fields, we observed
that citation-based metrics are not beneficial for comparing researchers in
different fields, or even in the same department.

Academic publishing has changed considerably; now we need to reconsider how
we measure success.
Da leggere!
cari saluti

dr. Elena Giglia
Unità di progetto Open Access
Direzione Ricerca e Terza Missione
Universita' degli Studi di Torino
tel. +39.011.670*.4191*
Skype: egiglia

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